Ready to break free from anxiety and overwhelm?

Would you like to let go of limiting beliefs and renew your confidence?

Does this sound like you?

Overwhelmed, Anxious, and Feeling Lost?

  • Are self-sabotage and limiting beliefs holding you back from achieving the happiness and fulfillment you deserve?

  • Do you constantly feel overwhelmed, like life is spiraling out of control?

  • Do you struggle with anxiety, low self-confidence, and a persistent sense of being lost in your own life?

  • Are you constantly putting others' needs before your own, and the thought of prioritising self-care feels like a distant dream?

What if things could be different?

Picture a Life of Inner Relaxation:

Imagine waking up each morning with a profound sense of inner peace, feeling in control of your emotions and thoughts. Instead of anxiety and overwhelm, you greet the day with confidence and clarity, ready to relax into each moment. You navigate life's challenges with ease, knowing that you have the tools to manage stress and uncertainty, allowing you to renew your sense of well-being.

Rediscover Your True Self and

Renew Your Confidence:

Envision a life where your self-esteem soars, and you rediscover your authentic self. Say goodbye to self-sabotage and limiting beliefs that have held you back for so long. Embrace your potential, pursue your passions, and watch as your confidence grows, propelling you towards your goals and dreams. Through this journey, you'll relax into your true self and renew your sense of purpose.

Prioritise Your Well-being and

Renew Your Relationships:

Consider a reality where you prioritise self-care without guilt, making your needs a priority. Instead of constantly putting others first, you establish healthy boundaries and find a harmonious balance between nurturing yourself and caring for those you love. Your relationships flourish, and you radiate positivity and empowerment, allowing you to relax into the joys of life and renew your connections with others.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

Many women just like you have experienced the power of this course, transforming not only their conscious thoughts but also harnessing the incredible potential of their subconscious mind.

Join the community that understands, supports, and empowers you to navigate this journey of inner change

If this resonates with you, remember that you're not alone. Many women like you have faced similar challenges, feeling overwhelmed and losing themselves in the process. The good news is, change is possible.

With years of experience as an award-winning Hypnotherapist and Anxiety Specialist, I've helped countless women regain confidence and purpose. My approach combines Solution-Focused Therapy, Mindset Coaching, Hypnosis, Neuroscience and Yoga-inspired Mindfulness. Together, we'll embark on a journey to relaxation and renewal, so you can prioritise self-care and rediscover your true self. I'm here to guide you towards a life filled with joy, confidence, and balance. Let's start this transformation together.

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:

Relax & Renew!

Relax and Renew: Anxiety Relief and Mindfulness Course, is a transformative journey I've designed especially for women who are ready to break free from the grip of anxiety, overwhelm, and self-doubt.

In this empowering course, I will be your guide as we explore the keys to unlocking a life of inner peace, confidence, and self-care. By the end of Relax and Renew, you'll have the tools and mindset to:

* Be free from anxiety and overwhelm

*Let go of limiting beliefs and renew your confidence

*Embrace self-care without guilt

*Rediscover your true self and purpose

*Prioritise your well-being and relationships

Are you ready to relax into a life of renewal and fulfillment?

Join me on this transformational journey, and together, we'll reclaim your inner peace and confidence. Your brighter, more empowered future awaits.

Here’s what you’ll get when you buy:


Comprehensive Video Modules:

Gain access to a series of in-depth video modules where I personally guide you through the solution-focused mindset techniques and educational content. These modules will empower you with the knowledge and tools to transform your life.

Value: £350


Downloadable PDF Resources:

Receive downloadable PDFs packed with valuable exercises, worksheets, and resources. These materials will complement the video content, helping you apply what you've learned and track your progress effectively.

Value: £100


Hypnosis Tracks for Anxiety Relief:

Access a library of specially crafted hypnosis tracks designed to alleviate anxiety, boost confidence, and promote relaxation. These tracks will be your go-to resource for reprogramming your subconscious mind for lasting positive change.

Value: £150


Private Community Support:

Join our exclusive community of like-minded women who are also on their journey of relaxation and renewal. Share experiences, ask questions, and receive support and encouragement from peers who understand your challenges.

Value: Priceless


Yoga Sessions for Mindfulness:

Access rejuvenating yoga sessions led by a certified yoga teacher (me!). Don't worry, you don't need to be super flexible – I promise, no pretzel poses here! These sessions are perfect for all levels, promoting mindfulness, reducing stress, and enhancing your well-being.

Value: £150


Weekly Progress Check-Ins

Stay on track with weekly progress check-ins. Receive prompts and guidance to reflect on your journey, celebrate successes, and identify areas for support, ensuring you get the most from your relaxation and renewal experience

Value: £100

A total value of: (£850)


for just £197

P.s What people are saying about working with me...


Who is this course designed for?

This course is specifically designed for women who may be feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and in need of renewed confidence and inner peace. If you're struggling with self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, and putting others before yourself, this course is tailored to address your unique challenges.

Is this course suitable for beginners in yoga and mindfulness?

Absolutely! Our course is beginner-friendly and welcomes participants of all levels. You don't need prior experience in yoga or mindfulness. We'll guide you every step of the way, and you can take the practices at your own pace.

How long is the course, and can I access it at my own pace?

The course is self-paced, allowing you to access the content whenever it's convenient for you. You'll have lifetime access to the materials, so you can revisit them as often as you like. While the course has a recommended timeline, you have the flexibility to go at your own speed.

What's included in the course package?

When you enroll in Relax and Renew, you'll gain access to comprehensive video modules, downloadable PDF resources, hypnosis tracks, a private community, rejuvenating yoga sessions, and weekly progress check-ins. These resources provide you with a holistic approach to anxiety relief and mindfulness..

How much time should I allocate to the course each week?

We recommend setting aside a few hours per week to engage with the course content and practices. However, you can adapt the schedule to fit your needs. The course is designed to be flexible to accommodate your busy life.

Is there any support available if I have questions or need help during the course?

Yes, we're here to support you! You'll have access to our private community where you can connect with fellow participants and receive guidance. Additionally, you can reach out for assistance through our weekly progress check-ins.

© Copyright 2023 Karina Price Hypnotherapy